Dear Parents, Students and Staff,
PS 9, the Sarah Anderson School, is strongly committed to academic excellence and the fostering of a collaborative community of lifelong learners.
PS 9 strives to fulfill its stated mission — “Every child in PS 9 will succeed!” — by creating and maintaining a team environment in which staff, administration and parents work with each child to meet exceptionally high academic standards.
It is my hope that PS 9 provides an atmosphere of safety and warmth, in which each individual is nurtured and encouraged to grow.
Many thanks to the parents and staff who have worked so hard to make this PS 9 Website possible. I wish you all very successful and happy years at PS 9.
Kate Witzke, Principal
Any PS9 child who needs a device is eligible to receive an iPad for remote learning.
If you need a device for your child for the fall, use the Device Request form found via this link. This information will be shared with your school so they can work with you to ensure your child has a device for blended or remote learning this Fall.
To receive COVID-19 news alerts, text “covid” to 692-692.
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade