Shop and Earn $$$ for Parents of PS9!

Thanks to the following corporate and other supporters of PS9! Click the logos to learn more. And don’t forget these links and codes can be shared with friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors—even those out of state, or not directly affiliated with PS9. These deals won’t cost you any more than you planned to spend, and in just a couple of minutes, you can bring in additional money for our Parents’ Association. Have ideas for other organizations with whom we should partner—perhaps a business you own or frequent? Drop us a note at

Start your cart here and PS9 gets a portion of your spending at no cost to you! Once you’ve chosen “Parents of PS 9” on your desktop Amazon account, you can opt in on the app, too—check your settings to ensure this option is turned on!




Keep track of your kid’s clothes, water bottle, school supplies and other items with labels from our partners: Mabel’s Labels (type in Parents of PS 9 to find us), LabelDaddy (use code PS9 at checkout) and Oliver’s Labels! Each one has different fonts, colors and characters, but you’re sure to find one that suits. Use our links and PS9 gets 20%+ of your spending!

Need holiday cards, party invitations, personalized stationery or notebooks, art for your walls or a unique gift? Order any of‘s products using our code, FUNDRAISEPS9, and you’ll save 20%, while Minted will  send 15% back to PS9!



WeProtect has disposable masks, face shields, wipes and hand sanitizer in stock! Order using our link and PS9 gets 10% of your spending!


Love drinking with a straw but hate the environmental impact? Strawesome to the rescue! This family-owned Michigan company makes straws out of borosilicate (laboratory) glass in a rainbow of colors and all the right widths for smoothies, sodas and, ahem, adult beverages. Dishwasher-safe and free replacement if they break. Use coupon code PS9ROCKS when ordering and we get 40% of your spending. Even regular water tastes better from a sleek glass straw–and whenever you go back to the office, they’ve got carrying cases to take your straws on-the-go! Makes a beautiful and thoughtful gift, too.


Book Culture on Columbus has closed, but the store will still donate 15% of sales from each purchase to PS9. Just use the code GBPS9 at the register or online, or at store locations at 536 West 112th Street, 2915 Broadway and 26-09 Jackson Avenue. The code cannot be used with a store membership promotion.



Use our link and Shutterfly will send back 8% of each purchase to PS9. This includes cards, stationery, photo gifts (need a laptop or iPad sleeve for your student’s device?) and more. You must start at the Shutterfly site, but can also purchase from their other brands, including Tiny Prints. Watch the Sunday blast for additional limited-time promos or periods during which we get a higher giveback!



No more clipping! Purchase one of the hundreds of products listed here (crackers, cereal, pens and pencils, bottled water and more), and upload a photo of your receipt via the app here. With your email address linked to the app and PS9, the Box Tops on your items will automatically be credited to PS9! Don’t want to or can’t download the app? Send receipts to and we will upload for you!



The Coca-Cola Gives program sends money back to PS9 when you enter the codes on the back of caps from Coke products, including all varieties of Coke, Sprite, Diet Coke, Dasani and more. Multi-packs have codes on the inside of the cardboard or plastic overwrap. Enter codes online here or snap a photo and send to and we’ll upload for you.



Fun Pasta Fundraising has pasta in fun and funky shapes for everyone in your life—from the sports fanatic to the Big 10 and SEC alums to the ballerina, equestrian, stockbroker and more! They have kits for quick healthy dinners (including holiday-themed pastas, soup starters and vegan mac & cheese). PS9 gets 40% back; if you only need a few bags, partner with a friend to reach the $55 threshold that triggers free shipping!



Uno Pizzeria & Grill at 432 Columbus Avenue (81st Street) supports PS9 with periodic “dough raiser” events. Bring in the coupon that’s posted on our website or backpacked home and hand it in with your check, for dine-in or take-out, and PS9 gets 15% of the total spent! Watch the Sunday blast for dates of the next “dough raiser” event and enjoy take-out or an evening out to benefit the PS9 community!



Too tired to cook? Turn to Yumble Kids, which delivers delicious and nutritious meals for kids 2-8, ready to heat and eat. There’s a wide range of options, including those for kids with sensitivities to gluten, egg, dairy, meat, soy, and nuts. Use our code, PS9SCHOOL212, to get 50% off your first Yumble order, and PS9 gets $25 per family, too!



Give your child a breath of fresh air this summer at the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan’s Camp Settoga! Located on 21 pristine acres in Pomona, NY, with a heated pool; tennis, gaga and basketball courts; gymnastics pavilion; arts and crafts; a ropes course and more. Camp Settoga is open to children of all faiths. Bus transportation, lunch and towel service included. Save $150 when you sign up with promo code PS9.



Get $50 off MakerState’s STEM Summer Camp, with four locations throughout NYC. Activities include hands-on building, coding games, 3D printing, LEGO Robotics and more. Save $50 when you sign up with promo code PS9CAMP, and our Parent Association gets $25 for each registration, too!